Inspire Someone
I can still remember sitting in the audience and listening to speakers such as Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley and later Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, and every single time I thought I want to do that. The first seminar I attended was in 1979, and at that time there was no conceivable way I could envisage doing that, but I
How Conducting a Local Meditation Group Enriched My Life
Meditation has been part of my daily life for decades but I hadn’t run a regular meditation group since I moved to Bayview 20 years ago, but being in lockdown over last Christmas motivated me to meet more locals so, at the beginning of the year I decided to set up a local meditation group. Meeting likeminded people was key
15 Ways to Make a Difference
Fifteen years ago, my life was radically different from what it is today. At that time, I’d written my book Love the Life You Live, and I was training life coaches. I had the knowledge and skills to use in times of crisis, but I was so focused on the dramas going on in my life that I chose the
Living in the Flow
Have you ever experienced those times when you don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary and life just flows? I think most of us have at times and for me it always occurs when I pause regularly and listen to my heart, because living in the flow is a practice in mindfulness. There have been times when I
When Something is Missing
There are times, even when life is good, that we can feel as if something is missing, that feeling is your heart reminding you to stop and listen. Midlife, for so many of us is a time of dissatisfaction. It is a time that reminds us that we haven’t done what we want to do with our lives, and it
Mindfulness Retrains Your Brain
LIVE MINDFULLY I had just finished putting my grocery bags into my trolley and was moving around to pay the cashier when the woman behind me stepped in front of me and went into a long explanation, lasting several minutes, of how she wanted the cashier to put her shopping into her bags. As minutes ticked by I fumed, and
Aligning with Abundance
Like everyone else my life goes off track at times. When I first started doing this work whenever business slowed down I worked harder, when I experienced problems in my personal relationships, I tried to communicate more effectively. Sometimes it worked but most times it didn’t. The only way to get back into the flow is to go within and
Do Your Habits Make You Happy?
Habits, when repeated often create neurological cravings, and most of these occur so gradually we don’t even notice them. Habits that are associated with endorphins, or a sense of accomplishment, are more likely to become an automatic response. Habits that are associated with endorphins, or a sense of accomplishment, are more likely to become an automatic response. During the early
The Importance of Community
During the 1950s Dr Wolf, who often holidayed in a village in Pennsylvania, was invited to give a talk to the local medical society. While talking to the local doctor from Bangor he was told that no one under 65 had died of heart disease in the village of Roseto. Wolf studied the findings, even going back and examining death
Brainstorming vs Heartstorming
Most of us know what brainstorming is. We use it when we want to expand an idea or find a way to do something. Say you want to make more money or change careers. When you brainstorm you write down your goal in the middle of a piece of paper, then you write down any ideas as they come to
About This Site
Our work is about assisting individuals to love the life they live by providing teacher training, personal development courses, books and inspirational blogs.