Why We Need to Connect More
When I moved into my first home, with a 3-year-old, it was scary and a little lonely at first. What helped enormously were the wonderful neighbours I had. I often had coffee, a meal or a chat with one lot of neighbours, while my adjoining neighbours, a young married couple with a daughter the same age as Lisa, were a
Messages of Hope
When Wendy Fitzgerald was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in 2018, she and her husband left a paver, inscribed with a calendar of dates at the beginning of a local coastal walk. The aim of the paver was to inspire her to keep moving outdoors, and every time she walks up the steps to the walk, she marks off
The Healing Powers of Forest Bathing
While travelling though England a couple of years ago I came across forest bathing. Forest bathing is the practice of walking mindfully amongst trees and there is a growing body of evidence to demonstrate that physical and emotional benefits that can be gained from doing this. It has been predicted that this practice will be as big a yoga over
Allow Your Authentic Self to Shine
Being authentic means to be real or genuine. Whenever someone asks you what you think, how often do you give a polite response? You may think you are being kind, and there are instances where you may choose to be, but most people act in this way to avoid potential conflict. Being authentic doesn’t mean being cruel or rude, it
Making Your Life Matter
When Abigail Lupi was 10 years old she visited her grandmother at an aged care facility. Shocked by how sad and lonely many of the residents were Abigail gathered a group of friends to sing, dance and act to put on shows for them. This troupe evolved into CareGirlz, a troupe which has brightened the lives of thousands of people
Heart Coherence Contains the Answer to so Many Problems
When the twin towers collapsed on September 11 2001 scientists, monitoring the earth’s magnetic field, were astounded by the spikes that occurred in the earth’s magnetic field. These spikes were off the scale when compared to any readings previously recorded. There were two satellites measuring these readings, both placed in space by the United States, one over the north pole and
How a Smile Can Change Your Life
CamMi Pham grew up in Vietnam in a very wealthy family, her life was good until her father was accused of participating in a financial scam and he was served with a lawsuit. Years later CamMi’s father was cleared of all charges but during those intervening years the family lost all of their money and even worse were ostracised by
Building a Successful Life Coaching Business
I have been self employed for 40 years, of which 20 years has been spent running my life coaching business Hart Life Coaching. I have owned a recruitment business, a couple of typing services, a bookkeeping business, a manufacturing business, a financial planning business and a magazine, all of which I started by myself with just an idea, and quite
Understanding Your Work Values
When I had my last child I moved my financial planning business from a professional office to home and I was totally unprepared for how big an adjustment that would be. The worst part about working from home was the lack of companionship, and trying to fit my working day around a demanding baby and clients was exhausting. With the
The Habits of the Rich
I’ve studied wealthy people for 40 plus years and helped many of them get richer, and the one trait they had in common is that they always acted as if they believed they could have what they want. When money gets tight most people do one of two things, they cut down on spending, or rebel by spending money they
About This Site
Our work is about assisting individuals to love the life they live by providing teacher training, personal development courses, books and inspirational blogs.